Sunday, February 13, 2011

Finished Quiet Book!

This is a photo of one step in the process in putting the pages together. The white is the 2 sided fusible pellon/interfacing. It is ironed on to the wrong side of one fabric square then both are pinned face to face with the second piece of fabric. I only pinned and sewed three sides so I could use the open forth side to turn the pages right side out.
This is what it looks like before I turned the pages right side out. Once right side out I turned hem in on the open side and pinned it then sewed around all 4 sides of the page to close the 4th side and to give the page a finished look.
The finished project.
The pages are held together with ribbon through button holes.
This way I can remove or rearrange the pages as I see fit.

(I have recently switched out the ribbon for metal clasping rings; like the ones used to hold index cards together. They are only a few dollars for 6 of them from office supply stores. The ribbon was too hard to restring and now that baby #2 is here I am sure I will be rearranging the pages a ton more now. Also, I think I would of used rivets next time. I think they would hold up better then the button holes.)

The handles were a late night idea and I am so glad I thought of it.
Now my sweet kids can hold their own book on their arm.

*This book only has round #1 pages in it. I will try to make and post a how to video when I finally get around to putting together the second round pages and new cover for baby #2.*

Round #2

Way back in July we did round 2 of the quiet books. I figures since round #3 is going to commence soon, I should post the pictures from the last round. Here they are:
Mailbox made by Lisa 
Idea from: Homemade by Jill

Bug net w/bug made by Laurel 

Crocodile and Monkeys made by Kira
(it goes with the song 3 little monkeys singing in a tree saying, "Mr. Crocodile can't catch me..."then the croc eats the monkeys one by one!)

Clothes line made by Cara 

Barn made by Melanie
Idea from: Homemade by Jill

Magnetic Bubblegum machine made by Lisa

Buckle my Shoe made by Alene 

Face made by Eve 

Frog Catching Flies made by Paula
Idea From: The Dixon Story

Fishing made by Nola 

Tree made by Robyn  (the leaves are all removable)

Rocket Ship w/Planets made by Erin 

Color matching Balloons made by Jamie 

Counting Page made by Tina 

Note Pad and Pen made by Tiffani

Tic Tac Toe made by Colleen

Snowman made by Shauna 

Round #1

My friend and I roped 10 other girls into agree to make quiet books together. We each make one page but made 12 copies of that same page. We had set dimensions to follow to help keep everything uniform. Doing only one page design helped keep the cost down and made the project a bit more manageable. Last night we got together and swapped our pages. I was so impressed how all the pages turned out. So impressed that in few months I want to do it again, so if you are interested let me know. Even if you live out of the area pages can be mailed and it works out well. Here are the pages that were made:
Football Tie
made by Nola 
Button Flower Garden
Made by Amanda 
Made by Becki 
Ice Cream Cones
Made by Lisa 
Apple Picking
Caterpillar Shapes
Made by Erin 
Traffic Light
Made by Katie 
Alarm Clock
Made by Alene 
Made by Melanie /Tiffani 
Piggy Bank
Made by Melanie
Idea from: The Crafting Chicks

Dress up dolls
(she made a boy themed one too!)
Made by Paula 
Lion in Circus Train Car
Made by
w/help from Lauren and Colleen :-)